SAT Online Score Report Help

By | April 1, 2020

SAT Online Score Report Help

Your score report shows you how well you did on your assessment. It also provides you with personalized feedback on how to improve your skills so that you’ll be ready for college and career.
Sign in to your online score report now.

Report Details

Your score report includes detailed information on a variety of scores that will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Section Scores

See how you did on each section by looking at your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score and your Math score.
Click the View Details button on your dashboard to learn more about section scores and to see your other scores.
If you took the SAT with Essay, scroll to the bottom to see your scores.
College and Career Readiness Benchmarks show whether you’re on track to be ready for college and a career.
PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 score reports include projected score ranges for each section score. They are calculated for the assessment typically taken by students a grade ahead of you. They’re based on a research study of average growth and score gain for students in your grade. You can outperform these projections by taking challenging courses and continuing to work hard.

Areas of Strength and Weakness

Scroll down to look at your test scores, cross-test scores, and subscores to get a detailed analysis of your performance in specific areas. Areas where your skills are strong appear in green. The red and yellow zones are important to focus on because they show where you most need to improve your skills. Learn more about scores and what they mean to you:

  • SAT scores
  • PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 scores
  • PSAT 8/9 scores

SAT Subject Tests

Learn about SAT Subject Tests, which are scored differently.


How to Download Score Reports

  1. Click the View Details button on your dashboard.
  2. Click the Download Report button.

Test Questions


Click Test Questions at the top of your screen to view:

  • A summary of questions you answered correctly, incorrectly, or left blank.
  • The difficulty level of each question and what content areas it’s designed to measure.
  • Answer explanations (unavailable for PSAT 8/9 and some PSAT/NMSQT administrations).


From your dashboard, click View Details and scroll down to Test Scores to find out how many questions you answered correctly, incorrectly, or left blank.
For a detailed look at your answers, you can order score verification for a fee:

  1. Click View Details.
  2. Scroll past the percentile information.
  3. Click Verify Scores.

You’ll be prompted to order the service available for your specific SAT test day.

SAT with Essay

In most cases, students who took the SAT with Essay can view the question and their response. Click Essay Details in the top navigation menu or select Essay Details from the bottom of Report Details.

Improve Your Skills

Use your online score report — and Khan Academy® — to improve your skills. To get started:

  1. Click Skills Insight to see which Reading, Writing and Language, and Math skills you should focus on. You’ll find tips for test-takers with section scores in your range. If you took the SAT with Essay, you’ll also see tips related to your SAT Essay scores.
  2. Speak to your counselor and teachers about classes and course work that will help you improve.
  3. Link your College Board and Khan Academy accounts to get a free personalized practice plan based on your most recent scores. With Official SAT Practice you’ll know where to focus your efforts, and you’ll have access to interactive questions, video lessons, and more.

Get College-Ready

Understanding your scores and making a plan to improve your skills are important steps toward college. To get more ideas for college planning and exploration, check out the next steps below your scores. These vary by grade and may include recommendations to learn about Advanced Placement®courses.


The PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 open doors to scholarships. If you took the PSAT/NMSQT, you’re automatically screened for the National Merit®Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and college scholarships. If you opted in to Student Search Service® and took either the PSAT/NMSQT or the PSAT 10, you could also be invited to apply for scholarships offered by our new partners.

Send SAT and SAT Subject Test Scores to Colleges and Scholarship Programs

To see where you’ve already sent your scores and to send more score reports:

  1. From your dashboard, click View Details for an SAT or SAT Subject Test score report.
  2. Click Score Sends from the menu.
  3. Scroll down and click Send Additional Score Reports.

Old and New SAT Scores

The new SAT—offered for the first time in March 2016—and the old SAT have different test sections and are scored differently. Colleges plan to accept scores from both for the next few years.
To compare scores from both tests, use the SAT Score Converter. It can help you decide which scores to send to colleges using Score Choice™. But keep in mind that you can send all your scores since most colleges consider a student’s best score. And always check college websites to confirm their score send policies.

Troubleshoot Missing Scores

If you’ve signed in but don’t see your score report, make sure scores for your assessment are ready.
If scores have been released but you can’t see yours, we might be unable to match your scores to the information on your answer sheet. For security reasons, we’ll ask you to click the Add Score(s) button on your dashboard and provide additional information, an SAT registration number, a Subject Test registration number, or an access code for a PSAT-related assessment.

Providing Personal Info

To protect your privacy, we need to ensure the score report is linked to you. If the identifying information in your online account doesn’t match the information you provided, try again or enter your access code or registration number to retrieve your scores. If you’re still having trouble, contact customer service.

Where to Find Your PSAT-Related Assessment Access Code

  • If you provided a valid email address on your PSAT 10 or PSAT/NMSQT answer sheet, your access code was emailed to you.
  • You can also find the access code on the paper score report sent to your school.
  • Counselors can retrieve your access code from their online score reporting portal.

Where to Find Your SAT or Subject Test Registration Number

  • Your SAT or Subject Test registration number is printed on your Admission Ticket.
  • If you received a paper score report, you’ll also find the registration number there.
  • Counselors can retrieve your registration number from their online score reporting portal.


If you took the PSAT/NMSQT before 2015 and that score report isn’t showing up, click the Add Score(s) button on your dashboard and provide the access code found on the paper score report sent to your school. If you lost your paper score report, ask your counselor for a copy or the access code. If you’re still having trouble, contact customer service.

More Troubleshooting

Merging Multiple College Board Accounts

If you created multiple College Board accounts using different email addresses and want to merge them, contact us.

Scoring Changes to the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT

Scores for the new SAT and PSAT/NMSQT look different from those of previous years because the tests have been redesigned. To learn more about the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9, visit SAT Suite of Assessments.

SAA Indicator

If you see “SAA” (state-allowed accommodation) on your score report, you’ve taken the assessment with a testing accommodation allowed by your state but not approved by the College Board.

  • If you took the SAT with these accommodations, you can’t send those scores to colleges or scholarship programs.
  • If you took the PSAT/NMSQT with these accommodations, you’re not eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Check with your school for details.

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