One Cow, Two Moos

One Cow, Two Moos

We used to have a single cow,
We called her Mrs. Rupple.
But she got struck by a lightning bolt,
And now we have a couple.
She’s walking sort of funny now,
Oh pity her poor calf.
Old Mrs. Rupple gives no milk,
She gives us half-and-half.
J. Patrick Lewis, “One Cow, Two Moos” from Two-Legged, Four-Legged, No-Legged Rhymes, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Copyright © 1991 by J. Patrick Lewis. Reprinted by permission of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Source: Two-Legged, Four-Legged, No-Legged Rhymes (Alfred A. Knopf, 1991)