List Of African Proverbs On Beauty

List Of African Proverbs On Beauty

African Proverbs on Beauty

  • One who plants grapes by the road side, and one who marries a pretty woman, share the same problem. ~Ethiopian Proverb
  • Beautiful from behind, ugly in front. ~Uganda Proverb
  • The skin of the leopard is beautiful, but not his heart. ~Baluba proverb
  • Ugliness with a good character is better than beauty. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • A beautiful one hurts the heart. ~African Proverb
  • Anyone who sees beauty and does not look at it will soon be poor. ~Yoruba Proverb
  • The surface of the water is beautiful, but it is no good to sleep on. ~Ghanaian Proverb
  • If there is character, ugliness becomes beauty; if there is none, beauty becomes ugliness. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • You are beautiful, but learn to work, for you cannot eat your beauty. ~Congolese Proverb
  • The one who loves an unsightly person is the one who makes him beautiful. ~Ganda Proverb
  • Having beauty doesn’t mean understanding the perseverance of marriage. ~African Proverb
  • You are beautiful because of your possessions. ~Baguirmi Proverb
  • Every woman is beautiful until she speaks. ~Zimbabwean Proverb
  • Three things cause sorrow to flee; water, green trees, and a beautiful face. ~Moroccan Proverb
  • A beautiful thing is never perfect. ~Egyptian Proverb
  • Patience is the mother of a beautiful child. ~Bantu Proverb
  • There is no beauty but the beauty of action. ~Moroccan Proverb
  • Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you. ~African Proverb
  • A pretty face and fine clothes do not make character. ~Congolese Proverb
  • Youth is beauty, even in cattle. ~Egyptian Proverb
  • A pretty basket does not prevent worries. ~Congolese Proverb
  • It’s those ugly caterpillars that turn into beautiful butterflies after seasons. ~African Proverb
  • The most beautiful fig may contain a worm. ~Zulu Proverb
  • It is only a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir. ~African Proverb
  • A woman who pursues a man for sex loses her spiritual beauty. ~African Proverb
  • A chicken with beautiful plumage does not sit in a corner. ~African Proverb
  • The cook does not have to be a beautiful woman. ~Shona Proverb
  • Beautiful words don’t put porridge in the pot. ~Botswana Proverb
  • She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; everyone likes, loves and honors her; she is a goddess. ~African Proverb
  • There is always a winner even in a monkey’s beauty contest. ~African Proverb
  • Dress up a stick and it’ll be a beautiful bride. ~Egyptian Proverb
  • An ugly child of your own is more to you than a beautiful one belonging to your neighbor. ~Ganda Proverb
  • Even the colors of a chameleon are for survival not beauty. ~African Proverb
  • Beautiful discourse is rarer than emerald ~ yet it can be found among the servant girls at the grindstones. ~Egyptian Proverb
  • When a once-beautiful piece of cloth has turned into rags, no one remembers that it was woven by Ukwa master weavers. ~Igbo Proverb
  • A woman’s polite devotion is her greatest beauty. ~African Proverb
  • There are many colorful flowers on the path of life, but the prettiest have the sharpest thorns. ~African Proverb
  • He who marries a beauty marries trouble. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • Despite the beauty of the moon, sun and the stars, the sky also has a threatening thunder and striking lightening. ~African Proverb
  • Getting only a beautiful woman is like planting a vine on the roadside everyone feeds on it. ~African Proverb
  • Greatness and beauty do not belong to the gods alone. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • Roosters’ tail feathers: pretty but always behind. ~Malagasy Proverb
  • Beauty is not sold and eaten. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • She is like a road – pretty, but crooked. ~Cameroonian Proverb
  • Why they like an ugly person takes long for a beautiful person to know. ~African Proverb
  • If you find “Miss This Year” beautiful, then you’ll find “Miss Next Year” even more so. ~Nigerian Proverb
  • The beauty of a woman becomes useless if there is no one to admire it. ~African Proverb