Barber of the Pea

Barber of the Pea


For John Ashbery

“Good Barber of the Pea!” I exhumed,
high into the vag
where the barber keeps his
pea —
“Good Sprout!” His mouth, his gray,
hunted tongue,
always in the distance —
“No use denying
we master the particular service
we deny ourselves. In the shade of this pea
(the sum of his shade and the gavel
flexing above his head)
I will become
a milliner to cover what work I’ve
done. Or else, I’ll begin anew
at the infant chin,
where nothing grows but chins!
Outside, snails, vines, surpass me
and must — gaining pews upon
pews. But don’t think for a sec
I don’t know the way out of here, that release is
one hair — spiral stair — top of which
cleavage evaporates”
Source: Poetry (January 2017)